Friday, July 31, 2009

Day 62: Mind vs.Stomach and Leaving Medicine Behind.

Hey all,

Something interesting happened to me today. After my morning workout, I was filled with a craving for greasy pizza. Of course, I didn't have any and went straight for my PCP breakfast, but the craving stayed. Of course, in the past, when I had a craving, I just went and satisfied it or planned to satisfy it sometime during the day, and did so. But, now, after I finished my PCP breakfast, I was so full that my stomach and mind were in conflict. My mind said, "I want pizza." My stomach said, "Hell, no! You put anything more in here and I'll blow apart, I promise you!" And, of course, the part of my brain that is pro-PCP was busy reminding me of what would happen to me if I ate greasy pizza.

It was so wierd. Pre-PCP, when my mind craved something, my stomach did not even require consideration. I just ate the junk food and that was that. But now, well, it's like a part of my mind hasn't realized I'm not a big junk eater anymore. I had to spend some time telling the craving part of my mind that this isn't how we do things in Sean-land anymore, and I have the stomach and body now to prove it.

The craving for pizza persists as I write this, but my stomach and pro-PCP mind still say no. Man, what a wacky feeling.

In other news, since my health has improved I've been working to get off my allergy and post-pneumonia medication. I had a word with my doctor today, and he said if my condition is as good as it was today, I can stop the post-pneumonia medication. As for my allergy medicine, I've ceased appointments with my doctor, and use the remaining medicine I have only if I really need it. And, I haven't needed it for quite some time.

Pre-PCP, when my allegies ran wild hindered only by medication. The most annoying part of it all, besides the sneezing and runny nose, was my sinuses draining into my throat. This draining resulted in me clearing my throat every thirty seconds or less. It happened so much, I just got used to it. And, while I eventually just did it without noticing, it sure bothered the people around me. However, a couple of weeks ago, my father and I were talking on the phone and he commented I hadn't clearned my throat much at all during our conversation. I was shocked.

I still get a bit of an allergic reaction when the sun comes out after a rainy day and all the flowers get happy, but nowhere near what I used to experience.

So, there are lots of great things happening on the PCP, but I just wish the cravings for junky foods would quit for good. Post PCP, I want to eat fun food for fun and the decision to eat it to be completely my choice, not because my mind thinks I need it to feel good.

As for medicine, while I'm beyond grateful it exists, post-PCP, I hope to do without it for as long as I can.

More tomorrow,



  1. Sean, are allergy shots an option for you? Like you, I have terrible allergies (like deathly allergic to some major things) and as a kid was often in the hospital for pneumonia and other upper respitory issues. I once even got Last Rites coz things didn't look so hot for me ;) Once I got full-time employment, my job covered allergy shots for me. I took a test, learned I was allergic to 50+ allergens and began a two-year treatment of weekly/bimonthly allergy shots. Three doses, each time, into the arm. It was a pain in the ass, and the arm ;) and a little inconvenient at times, but I have to say it was the best thing I ever did for my health. That coupled with an annual flu shot has kept me out of the hospital in my adult life and I rarely even get a cold. It is AMAZING. And I can visit friends who own pets, be outside in the fall and spring, and unfortunately I can now dust my house. Well, not everything is perfect.

    I hope you can find some relief! Amazing how health has this ripple effect.

  2. I wonder what it was about the pizza that had you craving it? With the lower amount of carbohydrates I've been consuming, I find I begin to crave sources of fat... especially olive oil... yum!
