My workout this morning went well. It was nice to see an old exercise like leg-ups on the list again, but boy, was there a lot of reps and sets in each exercise today. It took me an hour and a half to get through everything.
My jumprope form continues to be off. I feel like my arms are some kind of jammed see-saw with my left arm stuck down and my right arm stuck up. It get's better in the later sets, but the first couple of sets try my patience as my rope hits my left side. Oh well, at least I'm not getting smacked in the head so much anymore--knock on wood.
I got a nice little compliment yesterday, nothing to do with the PCP mind you. Last year, I wrote the first book of a Justice League Unlimited Fanfic. I've had to leave the second book on the back burner because of my current 1st novel project, but the work is still floating around on a couple of sites. Anyway, I got the follwing comment in my e-mail:
Oh, please do continue! I'm dying to see what becomes of Chimera. Not tomention that pesky situation with Huntress. This is one of the best JLU stories I've ever read, and I hope you decide tocontinue it (and soon!)!
It's nice to know my work is appreciated. Any JLU fans reading this blog, you can read the novel here:

More tomorrow,
I wish everyone would take as much time to praise as they do to pass negative judgements. Often when something is well done we assume the creator is so on top of things that they wouldn't need any encouragement. Positive feedback can go a long way!
ReplyDeleteAin't it the truth!
ReplyDeleteYesterday I read online that people often stop encouraging you once you've done something because they assume you're "already there" and don't need any more support.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to read your novel, Sean. Hope it's finished soon!