Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Day 53: A little more Weight Gone.

Hey all,

I've been doing my best to do my workouts before breakfast in the morning, and today was no exception. Unfortunately, since Patrick was out of his studio today, I had to settle for my house scale. So, my new weight is: 87.3 kg (-1.3). Another drop, WoooHooo! Once I reach the 86.0 mark, everything from there will be bonus.

J-ropes were a little hodgepodge on the third and fourth sets. Sometimes, I get in my groove. Other times, I'm crooked.

I look like a tired old man trying to be a Rockette when I'm doing the pistol squats. I still can't get back up without two hands on my support bar. And, it's a challenge to keep my foot perpendicular with the bar. Oi!

They make it look so easy.

And, again, the side crunches gave me trouble. I got dizzy after a couple of sets. So, I wrapped-up my workout when I couldn't stand it anymore. Thank goodness the side-crunches are the last exercise on the list.

I'm going out for Itallian food this afternoon. My second indulgence. I'll give a full report in my next blog entry.

More tomorrow,



  1. Oh man, that's funny; I got kind of nauseous on the V-sits.

  2. i hear ya on the pistols. i use two hands as well or i get shin splints. uck.

    way to go on the fat loss dude. keep on rockin it!
