Friday, July 24, 2009

Day 55: A Gentle Rain

Hey all,

My workout went okay today for the most part. My J-ropes were hodge-podge again. I just couldn't straighten myselfself out, even after a good stretch. Of course, I have to keep in mind I get up and go straight to my workout, so I begin my stretching and jumpropes in a bit of a zombie state and every muscle is a bit stiff. My workout did have a nice little ending though. As I began my third set of Sit-ups (the last exercise on the workout sheet today) a very gentle rain began to fall. It gave me the little cool down I needed to finish up. Sweet.

In other news, today I thought about a couple of things I really love about the PCP. First, I love the fact we don't need to go to the gym. I've been to the gym a number of times and, to be honest, I didn't enjoy it very much, except of course when I went with my good friend. I love my park. And, I love that the only weight we work with is our own body weight. In terms of fitness, I've always thought a man needs to be able to lift himself before he starts lifting anything else.

And now, the next one of Patrick's questions:

Why do you steam vegetables? They taste yummier if you fry them in a pan!

What the hell are you talking about? I don't steam anything. I eat my veggies raw. And, I'm not about to start frying them either--at least while I'm on the PCP. When you cook something, particularly veggies, they start to lose their nutrients. So, if you really want to get top nutrition from your veggies keep them as far away from cooking heat as you can. Oh, and if you're worried about taste, a little low callorie dressing can help with that.

More tomorrow,



  1. Yeah screw the gym, it's one of my least favorite places in the world, right in front of prison.

  2. wanna learn more about raw - just let me know.
    You're doing great - CONGRATULATIONS

  3. lol, Patrick, you speak as though you've lived in a cell.

    And Sean, I found this:

    Figured you'd get a kick out of it.
