Sunday, July 12, 2009

Day 43: Not my Best Day, but Not my Worst Day Either

My exercises today were so so. J-ropes were completed, but it took a a while to get into the rhythm. Getting through one set of 100 has become a bit of a challenge again, but that's only because I'm really working hard on getting my wrists to work their best during my jumps. There was not too much trouble from my left leg today.

I came up half a set short on my lunges today, and my form was all over the place on my last complete set. You'd think with all the leg exercises I've been doing, my legs could handle a few more lunges. But, these did come after my J-ropes and floor jumps, so I don't feel too bad.

Chest dips were fine. I miscounted and did one more in each set than the number on the sheet.

Push-ups were good, but still on my knees. They are going much smoother now though. I always start my first set without my knees to assist, but I always end up on them.

Standing ovation went okay, with just a bit of fail in the third set. I didn't get to the ovation right after my push-ups. It was time to walk my son to the school bus, so I got to the ovation right afterward.

Shoulder press was a complete fail, which is too bad because I like this exercise. I've nicknamed it "The Superman" because it's like Superman taking to the sky from a standing position. My back left trapezius muscle, which had been aching the entire workout and I've mistaken for shoulder problems the last few days, just wouldn't let me do it. My right side was all for it, so I tried, but I just couldn't make it happen without my left side complaning and stiffening up. So, moving on.

Plank was fine, but again my trapezius muscle treatened to drop me to the ground on the last two sets.

And the side crunches,well, I did them, and I probably got more out of them today than any other, but I still look and feel like a fat suffocating fish on the park grass. I hope that changes soon.

More tomorrow,


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