Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day 39: There's Abs in Them Thar Mounds!

I went to Patrick's yoga studio today for my workout. Here are the stats from the super techno-scale:

Weight: 90.8 kg (Look at that weight fall!)

Body Fat: 23.7%

Visceral Fat: 11.5%

Basal: 1951

Muscle Mass: 33.5%

Subcantaneous Fat: 15.4

BMI: 27.1

Body Age: 47 (Another year down! I'm getting younger by the tick!)

Also, today, for the first time someone saw, and I felt my abs. My topmost abs below my ribcage have started to show ever so slightly. Patrick pointed them out ot me today. I couldn't believe it, but when I touched them they actually had some hardness to them. God, there has been nothing but soft fat there for so long. I was elated. There might actually be some muscle under my mounds of tummy fat after all.

Well, it's getting late. I'm off to bed. I need to power up for tomorrow's workout. Look out abs! Sean's about to get serious!

Oh, and by the way, one of my complaining students called to comment on her lesson the other day. She said it was really good. Yeesh, what a world. ;-)

Love to all.

More tomorrow,



  1. Sean's back on top!

    I was thinking of getting one of those ab packs you put on your stomach that sends electronic signals to your muscles and strengthens during the day (instead of 8 minute abs).



  2. Nice work, bro. Keep on kickin' it!!

  3. This was a pretty funny moment. Sean kept saying, "I've never felt those before." then a few seconds later, "never!" then a minute later, "Like, never, in my whole life." and then, "NEVER!"

    He was still babbling incoherently when he left about "never, ever!"
