Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day 40: Hard Work

Hey all,

It sure was hard work today to get through the PCP exercises. I needed to use two hands on the bar to get myself back up after each pistol squat. My push-ups are still on my knees. I had to use my toes like emergency landing gear during the chest dips, and I really felt like a rag doll after the Da Vinci. Plus my shoulder ached. As for my J-ropes, they were a major hodge-podge. I just couldn't get my rhythm, and the wind didn't help. And, while I did managed to do some of my J-ropes hopping just on my right foot, my left foot just wouldn't get in the game. I find my left leg to be considerably weaker than my right.

Oh well, they can't all be great days.

More tomorrow,



  1. The irony is you'll get much better muscle growth off of crappy days like this than the days you feel powered up.

  2. Now you will feel like superman on your strong days. Word.
