Friday, July 10, 2009

Day 41: Exercise, Diet, and Robin?

I got up early this morning and got right to my workout. J-ropes were better today, but still hodge-podgy. It's my left leg. I haven't been getting as much spring power out of it lately. There's no pain, just weakness and it trips me up. Also, my left arm with my aching tricep muscle hasn't helped either. But, this too will pass. I need to do more stretching, I think, but it's hard to fit in stretching and the workout in the same time window, especially since the workouts have been getting longer.

My diet goes well--basic and boring: raw eggs, raw vegetables, condimentless whole-wheat bread, egg whites, apples and peaches. I say this with a smile because, like I've said before, I want to not make food such a big deal in my life. I'm still trying to put together the ingredients for Shelby's Doritoes recepie, but I haven't been able to find salt-free Mexican spice as of yet. I've got a store a friend of mine recommended to try yet. If that fails, I'm going on-line shopping. On the up side, if and when the time comes for another indulgence, all this bland food is priming me for another taste explosion. I do have a little fun though. On Thursdays, after Patrick's Yoga studio, I treat myself to a sushi lunch,which is quite nice. God, I love tuna norimaki.

And now, something completely off topic. While I was doing my V-sits, I remebered my first fictional hero when I was little was Robin--you know, Burt Ward from the old 1960'S Batman show. "Holy flashbacks, Batman!" Strange what occurs to you when you workout. I remebered a friend of mine used to have a full Robin costume, and I was so jealous. Anyway, here's a video where the rest of the Teen Titans dress up like Robin. They say imitation is the best form of flattery. See for yourself.

Well, that's all for today.

Love to all.

More tomorrow,



  1. I'll lend you some salt free mexican spices. You should've asked. It's amazing how doughy and out of shape Adam West and Burt Ward were, I remember taking comfort in that as a doughy and out of shape kid.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Any thoughts on the new Robin's costume? I dig it but I still think Tim's was probably the best.
