Saturday, June 6, 2009

Day 6: When Skipping, Think Location, Location, Location!

I got up at 6:00 A.M. this time and went straight into my workout. I don’t use an alarm clock. My son tends to make his way to my wife’s and my bedroom around this time, and needs me to wake up so he can get into bed with us. So, he gets in, I get out. And, while my wife and son get some much needed rest, I went out and enjoyed the morning air. I went to the park today, and it made such a tremendous difference in my skipping--so much smoother! I also broke out my old white inside-only gym shoes, bought back when I did the gym thing) and turned them into outside-only PCP shoes. Like yesterday, it was drizzling rain today but a little faster and with a touch of wind. I skipped into this wind which helped me get my rope under my feet a little faster. Is my skipping rope too short? The jury is still out on this one. I’ll see how I feel at the end of next week.

Weight: 97.3 kg (-00.5) Weighed before breakfast!

Fat percentage: 27.1 (-00.1) This number reminds me of my grade in High School Geo-Trig. Heh.

Exercise Summary:

Jump Rope: 70/70/70/70/70. Complete. Yeah, I messed up several times, but I made it to sixty on set two before tripping up. Yeah! Now that I’m not unintentionally skipping out on skipping, my calves are stiff and have taken the place of my thigh muscles in making getting up, sitting down, and going up and down stairs difficult. But, this too will pass. Tomorrow, I will give my calves a little stretch before jumping rope—one of the few useful things I remember from high school gym class.

Lunges: 10/10/10/10. There were no problems here. My legs are almost back to normal. Yay! Okay, well, the last one in the third set was a hard, but I just remembered one of Seabass’s comments. Seabass is the nickname of one of the other members who started the PCP the same time I did and is part of my PCP group: group garnet). Seabass mentioned his half diet to a friend of his, and his friends asked him what he was conditioning for. Seabass said he was conditioning for AWESOME! The laugh got me through the pain. Thanks Seabass! I’m conditioning for AWESOME too.

Push-ups: Set: 9/9/9/9. This is getting easier (knock on wood).

Leg Ups: 12/12/12. It’s nice to see my feet without having to look over my gut. Okay, my gut is not that bad, but still…

Love to all!

More tomorrow,



  1. Keep it up Sean! ^_^
    When I was resizing my rope, I read that you should stand with your feet together in the middle of the rope and the end of the handles should come up to right underneath your armpits.

  2. Your rope isn't too short Sean, you're still moving your arms too much. Try to flick the wrists and give the rope some speed as it comes over. This will elongate the rope to it's maximum length and result in the most efficient jumprope.

    If you're doing sixty in a row it's not too short!

  3. Sean - this is supercool dude - got me motivated to start working out again, especially after futsal yesterday!
