Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 18: A Day of Rest, Kinda

Hey team,

Don't worry, despite what the title above suggests, I did my workout, all of it. However, I stayed home and did everything at the park instead of joining Patrick at his studio today. I've been going at superspeed ever since the PCP started and I just wanted to take five. So, after I write this, I'm just going to chill out until I have to go to work.

J-ropes continue to improve, and I'm back in the swing of things with my leg-ups. I managed to do two regular pushups today before going to my knees again. Man, I hope I can do a normal push-up by the end of the program.

Now a little bit of stats:

Weight: 95.5 kg
Fat Perentage: 26.3%

Nice, eh?

Well, I'm going to go ask my wife to take my picture for this week. I'll post it later today. Until then, here's another piece of my PCP CITY HUNTER soundtrack for you to check out. "Get Wild and Tough" It's my favorite City Hunter Song. I always play it at the end of my workout. It gives me something to look forward to.

Here's the full "in stereo" version. Mind the band members. It was the eighties, after all.

Love to the team!
Thanks to the readers!

More tomorrow.


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