Thursday, June 4, 2009

Day 4: D'oh!

All this time, I thought my jump rope training had not started yet. No. I just did not see it on the sheet. You see, I use my lap top and not paper to see my exercises for the day. When I load the picture it starts at 50% magnification. I push it to 100% and it cuts off the top. So, I never saw the jump rope requirements. D’oh! So, today was my first time using the jump rope on the PCP. I have to work on form. I move my arms too much and I double jump for some reason. Also, I had to have the rope cut a bit more (Thanks, Patrick).

And now, today’s super summary brought to you by Patrick’s yoga studio’s cool electronic scale.

Weight: 97.5 (-00.9)
Body fat% 26.6 (-1.8%)
Intra-Organ fat% 14.0%
Basal calories: 2038
Muscle percent : 32.2%
Subcataneous fat : 17.6%
BMI : 29.1
Body Age : 52 (My actual age is 34)

Exercise Summary with number done in each set:

Lunges: 10x2/10x2/10x2 My legs were sore during this exercise, but much better since yesterday thanks to sleep. Also, halfway through the lunges my legs started to feel better. Oh, there is still pain, but it’ll go eventually. I also learned my knee doesn’t need to go to the floor in this exercise. I’m happy about that, and so are my knees. I saw Patrick put his hands behind his head for a set, wonder why? I forgot to ask.

Push-ups: Set: 8/8/8/8 I’m glad I’ve got these figured out (One more set today).

Leg ups: 10/10/10: Patrick’s pro tip: put your hands under your buttox for this exercise, and if your buttox goes of the ground a little during each leg-up, it’s okay, but only a little.

Jump Rope 60/60/60/60/60. Oh yes, these were not perfect sets in terms of form and flawless execution, but I almost completed the last set entirely without tripping up.

It was nice exercising at Patrick’s studio. Having other people there really helped, although there were only four of us. The work out went faster. A real treat, besides meeting Patrick’s lovely lady-friend Kazue, was meeting Kazuhiro Ono. He’s completed the PCP and maintains his connection with the program. His blog is here:

Oh, and Patrick took my week 1 complete photo. Have a look.

After leaving the studio, every snack shop and bakery called out to me. I could smell the sweetness in the air, see the sweetness in the bins and on the shelves. Sentences starting with’Well, Surely Patrick wouldn’t mind if I….’ passed through my mind, but I’m glad to say I resisted. I got to where I was going, stiff legs notwithstanding. I’ve had my 6” avacado-veggie sub, and now, although hungry, I’m going to work on my novel for a couple of hours before starting work. Life is good.

Love to the team!
Thanks to the readers!

More tomorrow,


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. good to have you in jump rope club!

  3. The jump ropes are great! If you do nothing else, do the jumps, you feel pumped, once you get the hang of it. Think back to elementary school.

  4. Everything will only get easier, including saying "no" to all those baked goods.
