I don’t remember seeing these in Canada! Mind you, I never had to look for one until today. I got to work, tossed the yolk, and chowed-down on the rest. Way past cool. In other egg-related news, today I downed another raw egg and egg-white to speed things up this morning. A definite time saver!
Exercise Summary:
To save even more time from now on, I’m only going to write about the exercises that I had any trouble or thoughts about. The rest you can assume were complete—and you’d be right. ;-)
J-rope: 800 complete. Getting faster, but not smoother. Still no complete smooth sets of 50.
Push-ups: 8x5 sets. Sadly, despite my best efforts to do a regular push up, I ate floor after completing one. The push up gods kept me on my knees for these. So, I added two more sets. Not being able to do the exercises as shown in the picture was a bit of a downer. I hope I get the push-up strength I need soon.
Leg-ups: 13x4 complete, but a hodgepodge. I lost my momentum in the middle of my second set. I couldn’t believe it. It was like climbing a mountain to complete the last two. I did it, but not as smoothly as my sets on past days. Again, another downer, but likely caused by my overworked abs in my battle with my bowels over the last couple of days. Things are fine now in that department by the way.
Today was the first day, I felt a little down on myself for my lack of success. I completed everything, but not at the standard required. Oh well, can’t win ‘em all. I’ll get right back on the horse tomorrow. Don’t worry.
Love to the team!
Thanks to the readers!
And, a little love to myself. The family had curry tonight and I couldn't have any. :( Oh well, I'll get through this.
More tomorrow,
I feel ya. Someone just offered me a cookie. I wanted it but declined.
ReplyDeleteJust think about what you're saying YES to everytime you say no to unhelpful food.