Sean: Forgive me, Father, for I have cheated. It's been nine days since my last confession.
Father Saeba: Hmm? Oh yes, when you ate the Karokes.
Sean: Yes, Father.
Father Saeba: So, what did you do this time?
Sean: My trip to the pasta restaurant yesterday. It was a cheat, plain and simple. I didn't crave the food I ordered, I was just lazy. I could have gone somewhere else or, at the very least, I could have ordered something healthier than I did. I was weak. I screwed up. I failed.
Father Saeba: Did you learn something?
Sean: What?
Father Saeba: Our mistakes are only truly failures if we do not learn from them. Did you learn something?
Sean: Well, yes,what I said about the food's effect on me was true, but the 'experiment' idea was a complete fabrication.
Father Saeba: You lied.
Sean: Um...yeah, but you make it sound so dirty.
Father Seaba: Just helping you clear your conscience.
Sean: Thanks, Father, I think.
Father Saeba: Are you going to do it again, this cheating and lying?
Sean: No, sir.
Father Saeba: Good, because you really suck at it. God bless you, my son. Add two more sets to all of your arm exercises today, say a couple of Hail Patricks, and be strong.
Sean: Thank you, Father.
Father Saeba: One more thing.
Sean: Yes, Father?
Father Saeba: Try not to think of your PCP diet as a 'diet'. Diets are destined to fail. Instead, think of the food requirents you get every week as new eating habits. It may help.
Sean: Thank you, Father. I will.
Father Saeba: And, make sure you bring me some of those 'Healthy Shelby Doritoes' when you make them. I'd love to know what they're like.
Sean: Of course, Father. Goodbye.
Father Saeba: Goodbye.

We forgive you, Sean. Just make sure you forgive yourself.
More tomorrow,
Happy Canada Day!