Today, I woke up with plans to got to the park as usual and workout, but the rain from a nearby Typhon was coming down hard. I was contemplating going out into the the rain like I had before on the PCP, but I realized it was time for me to take control and plan a workout for myself when I'm stuck indoors with no room to do J-ropes. So, I did Pistol Squats, Lunges, (Curl & Tricep Dip supersets), Push-ups and Planks. I'm going to add Davinci's next time. Oh, the possibilities! However, I have to make sure I challenge myself each time and don't ignore exercises like pull-ups just because they're still hard or annoying for me.
My son joined me in the curls today as best he could with my medium tension band which was too long for him. He was also my little coach. He counted for me during the V-sits and cheered for me during the Tricep Dips. It was so wonderful, not to mention cute.
And, finally, a personal victory today. I worked out because I wanted to, not because I felt I had to do so.
Now, here are a few more pictures from my last day on the PCP.
Barrel Shot!
Looking Tough!
I actually have triceps!
The biceps chest muscles, and abs make an appearance!
More tomorrow,
This is the Day 90 post that never ends!