Hey all,
My workout today wasn't great, but it wasn't horrible either. My J-ropes were garbage, trip after trip after trip. So, I just did my best to embrace it and used it as a patience exercise. Yes, Day 75 and I still have a dubious relationship with my jumprope, but my knowledge of it's benefits on good days or bad days is what keeps me from giving up. All my other exercises went reasonably well, but I used my medium strength tension band all the way through instead of my heavy. I decided to take it easy today because my core was still feeling pretty beat from my workout at Patrick's studio yesterday. I should be back on top of my game tomorrow.
I tried a new vegetable today. A balsam pear, also known as the bittergourd or bitter melon. It looks like a cucumber with a serious case of ugly (a cucumber with a chronic case of goosebumps). It's bitter as heck, and a good source of Vitamin C, or so I'm told.

I ate it in small bits in a tofu salad and found myself asking why God seemed to go out of his way to make so many nutritious things that taste terrible as he did nutritious things that taste good. It's things like the Balsam pear that make me absolutely sure God has a sense of humor.
Heh, now that I thnk of it, the Balsam pear would be a great prop to bring into a boy's sex education class. Hold a few of them up infront of a bunch of teenage boys and say. Have sex without protection and this will happen to you!

HA! That's it. I'm done.
More tomorrow,
Goya are appallingly bad. I don't ever eat those things. Good on you for giving them a try.