Monday, August 10, 2009

Day 72: Rain, Earthquakes, RPG's, and Bionic Six

Hey all,

Today it rained even more than yesterday. My park was practiclly a swamp. So, I had to spilt my workout between inside the house and at the park, and I had to do the exercises somewhat out of order. Plus, I felt kinda tired today so my workout was a bit slow. On the plus side, the J-ropes are still going fine. Although, I did give myself a good wack on the back of the neck during one of my speed bursts. Ouch.

We had an earthquake yesterday and again today. They were three and four respectively on the "shindo" scale. The Shindo scale is commonly used in Japan rather than the Richter scale. Shindo refers to the intensity of an earthquake at a given location, i.e. what people actually feel at a given location, while the Richter scale measures the magnitude of an earthquake, i.e. the energy an earthquake releases at the epicenter.
The shindo scale ranges from shindo one, a slight earthquake felt only by people who are not moving, to shindo seven, a severe earthquake. Shindo two to four are still minor earthquakes that do not cause damage, while objects start to fall at shindo five, and heavier damage occurs at shindo six and seven. So, there you go.

And, here's something else. Possibly starting in October, I will be helping to found the Shonan Gaming Group. It's a few other people and myself who will get together one Sunday a month for things like Dungeons and Dragons, other RPG's, and games. I hope it works out. I was a pencil and paper RPG player for several years. I loved pencil and paper RPG's because they were a step beyond just reading a story. You were actually in it, and anything was possible. And, of course, it was a way to get all my friends in one room, which was beyond awesome. So, it would be nice to touch base with it again, for old times sake, even if it will be with different people.

Finally, last night as I was surfing, I stubled upon a couple of episodes of an old show I used to like. It's called Bionic six. It's kind of like if your everyday family situation comedy combined with the Six Million dollar man and animated.

Here a couple of short cool videos to give you and idea of what I'm talking about.

First, the Bionic Six intro--one of the coolest theme songs from the 80's:

And last, the Bionic Six team transformation sequence:


See, you can enjoy all this stuff and still be fit!

More tomorrow,



  1. I loved that show. Couldn't believe it got cancelled so early. I think I must have choked the bishop a few hundred times thinking about Rock-1. Too much information?

  2. Actually, the show made it for two season, 65 episodes, rare for Saturday morning fare of the time.

  3. That's awesome that you're building a gaming group Sean! If I was over there I would totally join up with you guys.

  4. You guys, I've never even heard of that show!!

  5. And you'd be totally welcome, Bass!
