Let's do this! Com'on!
I got through it. There were some reduced reps in the last few sets, but otherwise everything went well. Even my J-ropes were great. But, boy, am I tired. Mentally, I'm wide okay, but--on top of the drain from yesterday's workout, my body feels like it's been in a wash machine. There was one more small victory today too. With help from something Patrick said yesterday, I think I've finally figured out how to deal with some of the pain that comes with working out, the pain that tries to get you to quit and makes you think you can't do one rep more. Don't take your mind off it. Dive right into it. Pain wants you to avoid it, that's how it wins. But, if you dive into it, take it head on, use it, you can get that little bit more out of your exercise before failure. I still have a long way to go before I perfect this technique, but I hope I'm on the right track.
More tomorrow--my last day on the PCP.
Phew Day 89 Workout behind you is much better than Day 89 Workout ahead of you.