Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day 64: Long Workout and Dead Fantasy 3

Hey all,

Okay, first, let me set something straight. I over did it on the jumpropes yeserday. My mind told me 5 min. x 5 sets, but it was actually 5 min. x 3 sets. So, I went overboard on the J-ropes yesterday, but no matter. I enjoyed the extra.

Now, that said, today's work out took a long time--almost two hours. This is because I have to keep fighting with myself to get moving between sets. I use a timer, but there is still some arguing between mind and body. Why is does it seem to be a universal truth that we have to fight with ourselves to do what's good for ourselves? All this exercise, all this good food, makes our body stronger and healthier, right? So, why do our body's and minds put up such resistance? It boggles the mind. On the plus side, I got back on my horse with the floor jumps since last time and completed them all today.

Also, I'm starting to realize the wisdom in the small dinners we eat on the PCP. This week I'm down to pretty much a banana and milk, but I know now that that's really all I need. I mean, com'on. How much do we actually do in the evening? Most people after a big dinner just sit and watch TV, then go to bed. No way do you need a full course meal to accomplish that. Now, if you were going to go out and shovel snow like my father does some nights in the winter, a little more food before heading out would be a good idea, but with my writing evenings, I just need enough food to keep my mind clear, that's it. Also, I find I'm not as hot during these Japan summer evenings because I'm not eating so much before bed. Cool--literally.

Now, something I know I have been looking forward too. Dead Fantasy 3, by Monty Oum. See my Day 2 post for parts 1 and 2. Enjoy.

More tomorrow,



  1. Sean! Sorry that I couldn't come to the trainning last thursday.. I would have loved to come and see how you are getting on but had to work :( but it seems like you are doing amaingly well!!
    I know exactly what you mean by the resistance of your mind and body towards this project which is supposed to be only GOOD for you. If it's that good for you then our body and mind should love it, right?? I know this is a very difficult part of the pcp ;) The pcp doesn't give you an immediate pleasure or joy. It challenges you and it is a real discipline so it's not really gentle or kind approach to us. But it's TAUGH LOVE!! and after you go through it it will definitely give you a long term happiness and pleasure! I promise.
    It's not so long to go anymore!! Don't think too much between exercises. Just take each exercises as it comes. Otherwise our mind is so powerful that our bodies stop working! We need so much energy for the workout so we can't waste energy on thinking!! Thinking really wasted so much energy indeed.

    You can sooooooooooo do this Sean!! Ganbattene!!

