Sunday, August 23, 2009

Day 85: Better Jumps, Dizzy Crunches, and Old Cravings

Hey all,

Well, it looks like the day of rest yesterday did the trick. My left leg was back in the game. It wasn't perfect, but there was a definite difference. Yes, much more success on the J-ropes today. Thank God. The J-rope, as it is the first exercise I do everyday, really sets the tone of my workout for the day. If the J-rope session sucks, the workout is harder. If the J-rope session is great, the workout is easier. Patrick has said the days when the workout is mentally difficult are often the days the workout does the most good for our body. While that may be true, it doesn't make the workout anymore enjoyable on these days--heh. ;-)

Now, while the J-ropes we far better than they have been in days, I had to cut my side cruches short today. I just kept getting dizzy. I think it might be from dehydration. You see, I have no water from the time I go to bed until my workout is finished (I'm usually sweating buckets by then, especially now in the peak of summer). I take no water so the water does not affect my ab workout, but if my dehydration theory is correct, I may have to take a little water after all. The V-sits were just fine, however.

In other news, My wife and son went on a small trip to see my wife's sister and her family, so it's just me and the PCP for the next few days. You know, I remember on some nights when I had the house to myself, I used to head over to Mcdonalds, get two Big Macs and an order of large fries, dump them all on one plate and eat myself silly. And, even now, here at the end of the PCP, I'd be lying if I said that did not sound really good. But, now there is a big place in my mind that also makes me think of the health level I would be trading for one night of Mickey-D's, how the fast food would quickly go to work to undo all the good I've done for myself. And then, the Big Macs and fries don't sound so good after all. In fact, the thought of eating all that fast food at one sitting actually fills me with a deep sense of dread.

"Care to join your old self for dinner tonight, Sean?"


More tomorrow,



  1. that is a scary photo. glad you've avoided such a fate! keep inspiring us ;)

  2. Oh, man, I hear you on the j-ropes. I try to finish the last set as fluidly as possible, that way the rest of the workout is smooth.

    And man, just the thought of McDonalds makes me a little nauseous. I can feel my stomach reeling from the idea.

    But you know this - the progress you made is way more valuable than a couple of burgers.

  3. One of the previous diets I use to do had me drink a glass of water before the morning exercises. I periodically do that now, depending on whether I feel really dehydrated before exercising or not. If I'm dehydrated, I know I'll be dizzy about mid-way through the regimen.

  4. The reason you're feeling dizzy has more to do with your inner ears than water is my best bet.

  5. I do suffer from motion sickness, for whatever that's worth.
