Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day 73: Friends, Fellow PCPers, Geeks! Lend me your Ears!

Hey all,

My heart was not in my workout today. I got up and got right to it, but it took a bit to get from set to set and exercise to exercise. I was still stiff after 10 minutes of stretching, and J-ropes were a hodge podge--probably more trips than reps. heh. I did all I had to do at the park and went home. In fact, that's been my feeling for most of the day. I just wanna curl up in a ball and do nothing. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, there will be days on the PCP that suck. But, that's part of the fun.

Why do I have these days? I really don't like them. Aw heck, I probably just need a nap. A nap is the best thing to do when you feel like a whiny five-year-old.

But, before I nap, I want to write a couple of things.

First, thanks to everyone who has been reading and has commented on this blog from my trainer Patrick and teammates, my family, and friends, right down to any stranger who happened upon it accidentally in a web search. I mean it. Having an audience, at least in the blog sense of the word, has been really helpful in keeping me on track. I'm not done the PCP, of course, but having you all around sure has made things easier.

Next, I want to reiterate something I hope has been evident throughout my entire blog. If you came to my blog expecting health insights and PCP secrets, you've got the wrong guy. I'm a fanboy (an otaku?). I love animation. I love comics. I love video games. I love to play pencil and paper RPG's. I would prefer the latest Street Fighter IV soundtrack to the latest hit song. I think The Dark Knight is a zillion times better than Slum Dog Millionaire, and so on. You get the idea. However, a person can still love all these things and still be healthy. Just becuase alot of my hobbies have me sitting down, doesn't mean I can't be healthy. I have a job, a family, and I'm still out there busting my ass with my jumprope and tension bands, and doing my best to stick to my diet. Why? Not because I want to play any sports, or kick anyone's ass at something. Who needs that? I'm doing the PCP because I want to live longer and enjoy the things I love longer, especially my family. For the longest time, I sat on my ass, enjoyed my unhealthy food in large quantities and look where it got me--pneumonia road. Readers out there who have yet to take care of their health, don't let what happened to me happen to you. Don't lose everything you have because of your own slothfulness. We think we can't change, but we can! I'm proof.

A funny thing. I have a person very close to me who is overweight. We talked about the PCP and he stopped taking as soon as he heard about the amount of money it costs to join. And, of course, when I first talked to Patrick, the price made me think twice too. But, look at me now. And, if I hadn't spent the money on the PCP, I'd be spending the the same amount and more, albeit more slowly, on overeating, allergy medication, pneumonia medication and eventually, but much sooner than planned, this:

I had to pay alot of money over time to get my fat ass. Is it any wonder I had to pay some significant coin up front to get rid of it? You get what you give. Besides, the cost helps lock you into completing the PCP. If you don't you waste the money. That can be a big motivator for some people!

I'll tell you right now, and you can take this to the bank, the PCP beats the hell out of any gym I've ever been a member of.

Anyway, what started out as something perhaps thoughtful, has turned into a rant. So, I'm done here. Just remember, If you're fat, and you don't get off your own ass and find a way to fix it. You're going to have no one to blame, but yourself when they bring that extra wide coffin to bury you. Don't wait to get sick like I did. I'm just damn lucky, when I joined the PCP, I wasn't too late. Morbid, but true.

Oh, by the way, I went for a walk with my three year-old son today, and we stopped for a snack on the way home. No more donuts or small packs of cookies for us. We shared two egg whites and a low fat strawberry yogurt. And, you know what? He loved it, and our little snack time together was just as nice. I'm through ignorantly putting junk into my son's system. I loved myself enough to get on the PCP, and I love my son even more. So isn't it logical to take extra special care of him too? Don't worry, I'm not gonna cramp his style and be some kind of food nazi. After all, he hasn't lived until he's tried my mom's cooking!! But, I'm definitely going to make sure he's as health savy as I am as he grows up, not to mention a kick-ass jump-roper in his free time. ;-)

And, one more thing (the last one, I promise), my mother-in-law got a package in the mail today that weighed 10kgs. I went over and picked it up and it was pretty heavy. Then it occurred to me. Prior to the PCP, I was carrying that much extra weight on my body and more. Scary!

Patrick's studio tomorrow!


I'm going to go nap now.

More tomorrow,



  1. Wow, great post Sean! As a fellow geek I can definitely stand beside and send out the call to our fellows that we don't have to be the stereotypical overweight nerds. It's also worth pointing out that I've learned there's plenty of stuff there to become a fitness geek too!

    Also, in regards to the price, I'm a firm believer that the price is part of what helped me to finally stay motivated with a system. The fact that I had a not insignificant amount of money invested in this project was a huge motivator. If I got lazy and didn't push myself for results, then I would have wasted that cash. It's all been on me to get a solid return on my investment, and I'm pretty sure it's paid off more than I expected. If something is free, or even just really cheap, it's far easier to just let it go and not care.

  2. Hear us, fellow geeks! We will show you the way! And, yes, the price is a motivator for me in exactly the same way. It locks you in!

  3. Damn, Sean comes out with the smack down. Keep the reality checks coming man, lord knows the world needs more of them.

  4. That's right! You tell em, dude!


  5. Yay! Geeks of the world unite!

    Strangely enough, I have the reverse view of the cost to join PCP. Last year I had joined a gym. It was $39.99 a month, or a total of $479.88 for the year. And that was just to use the facility. It cost about $200 more to hire a personal trainer for 10 one-hour sessions, plus more money to join their 12-week program.

    The result: Nothing changed. The personal trainer was only interested in running me ragged through the machines so he could then concentrate on his next paid customer, there was no support system to encourage anyone along after my paid minutes with the trainer were gone, there was no help in adjusting my diet. It was a great big nothing. I spent close to $800 with nothing to show for it, except that I didn't lose any weight. (I didn't gain any either.)

    PCP costs far less than that gym ever did, and I am getting far more benefit out of it! Diet, excersize, support network, encouragement, friends, knowledge, etc. Far, far better!

  6. Gyms, Personal Trainers, and all that is designed to disempower YOU so that you need to continually bleed money for THEM. As I always say, my dream is that on Day 90 you'll say, "Get outta here Patrick, I've got this covered."

  7. This made me smile. The comparison to between the donuts and the yogurt/fruit made me realize how much I prefer the latter over the former, which made me really happy.

    Sean, I am amazed by your progress; it is an inspiration.
