I have a little story for you, but first a couple of things about the workout today. Everything went fine until I got to the leg-lifts. Ever since my Day 74 visit to Patrick's studio,which included an intense session of the Creep exercise, the muscle pain in my upper legs has returned. It's muscle pain from exercise, nothing I can't handle, but it made for a moment of complete muscle failure today. I know the leg-lifts are a lower abdominal exercise, but the effort does creep into the legs after a while. And, right in the middle of my fourth set, my muscles failed. It wasn't painful. It just felt like my aching muscles suddenly unplugged from my brain, and I felt nothing but my legs drop. Everything was fine immediately afterward, but it was a rather funny sensation. I always thought muscle failure would hurt like hell. This was more like an off switch. The body works in mysterious ways sometimes.
Also, I completed the new 1:45 planks sets, all four of them, without a drop. Of course, there was an earthquake's worth of shaking and buckets of sweat, but I held on. My arms may not be houses of power, but my core sure seems to be--as of late anyway.
And now to my story....

When you enjoy the world of comics as I do, it is only natural to want to wear some of the T-shirts that come from that world. As such, I have a Superman T-shirt like the one above, and I enjoy wearing it, but as my weight grew and grew to where it was pre-PCP. I felt a certain degree of embarassment when wearing this shirt in public. I wore it less and less, save in the house where no one could see me and to movies which celebrated favorite comic characters of mine. I mean let's face it, when we take into account the healthy-looking guy this T-shirt represents, seeing it on a fat guy with a big spare-tire is just wrong. The fat guy might as well scratch the S-shield off and paint the words Super-Loser on in its place.
However, today with my new found health, I took my Superman T-shirt out of the closet and wore it this morning during my PCP workout out in the park for all to see. And, for the first time, I felt I was someone actually worthy to wear such a shirt in the public eye, not just because I am a fan of the character in question, but because I have become a Superman in my own way in body and in mind through this program. Am I at peak condition? No. I still have a ways to go, but for the first time in a long time, I actually feel and look pretty darn super.

More tomorrow,
Way to go man! I think you sure are super. Honestly, the huge strides you have taken during this project have really been a regular source of inspiration to keep me motivated even though my own changes have been not nearly so dramatic. Wear the shirt with pride man. Wear it with pride!