The Beginning and the End

Barrel Shot!
Looking Tough!
I actually have triceps!
The biceps chest muscles, and abs make an appearance!
More tomorrow,
No workout today.
More tomorrow,
Yes, while, at my core, I'm not much for church and its ceremony, I believe in God--fiercely. I believe he guides us through the events and people around us, and sets up opportunities for us at every turn. Gosd was there for me when NOVA GROUP was about to start its fall. He gave me a good friend who appeared just in time and helped me move to Senzoku Gakuen High School. Senzoku lasted just long enough for there to be an opening at my current school. And there, I met Patrick. God bless Patrick. I hold him among the best of my friends, and I hope one day he will hold me in the same regard. Is Patrick responsible for my change? In part, yes. He showed me a path--a path he has worked hard (with Chen) to create. However, It was up to me to stay on that path and walk on it to the end--all up to me.
Was my PCP perfect? Did I follow the diet 100%? Did I do every single exercise the way it was supposed to be done? No. But, I know this: I did my best evey day against the imperfect human being I know I am, and for me that is a triumph. The biggest challenge in life isn't someone else or something. It's you. It's always you.
So, here on the last day, I went to Patrick's studio at 5:30 P.M. for my workout and, in order to emphasize how far I had come, Patrick had me do my Day 9 workout. Let's go back a bit in time shall we and look at my Day 9 post, shall we?:
Day 9: Rope Revelations!
Today I was given the greatest gift I could have asked for: the solution to my jump rope problem. As I said before, my rope is not too short, but I thought it was, even today, as it hit me in the head and feet. And, now I know why! God. Finally, I know why! I feel idiotic and elated at the same time.
After I finished skipping for the first time at Patrick’s yoga studio, I just tossed my rope in my bag. Since then, I have been outside trying to skip successfully in the early morning. What happens to a plastic skipping rope when it has spent the night just tossed in a bag? It ends up tangled like an old phone cord. And what happens when this same plastic skipping rope is taken outside into the cool morning? It maintains its tangles! The air is cool, so the rope cools and loses its slack (Insert appropriate chemistry term here). Basically, I was trying to jump with a rope that wasn’t straight. And, when I would start jumping, it would tangle up worse and seem shorter! God. Eureka! So, I spent the next ten minutes heating the rope with the body warmth from my hands until it was nice and slack and guess what?
The rope flew around me like bloody wind itself. I did 150 jumps without screwing up. Man, I don’t know why I didn’t see it before.
And now, todays’s stats and stuff.
Weight: 96.4kg (-00.8). Go baby go!
Fat percentage: 27.0 (-00.7)
Jumprope. 600 complete! See above. God.
Lunges: 16 x 4 sets. My legs feel really worked out after these.
Rowing: 12 x 3 sets. Gently down the stream! Complete!
Standing Ovation: 12 x 3 sets. Complete! Hold the applause-heh.
Triceps Dip: 8 x 3 sets. Complete! This went smooth, too smooth. I think I was using my legs too much. I will straighten them out the next time I do this exercise as per Patrick’s advice.
Forward Shoulder Raise: 10 x 3 sets. Complete!
Leg lifts: 12 x 4 sets. Complete. I did these on the grass in the park. Fun, but not as nice as the tatami in my house.
Diet is rolling along, although I’m lagging a bit in the protein. I just have to coordinate my shopping with my wife’s shopping better.
Breakfast, same as yesterday except I had pasta instead of bread this time, and I didn’t have the egg white because the wasted egg yolk would have annoyed my family. Patrick, Team, any other way to get egg white short of drinking them on the sly at work?
Lunch: two subway chicken salads—for the protien, no cream cheese this time, but did have their red wine vinegar sauce. This may have salt, so will stop using it and switch to an alternative Patrick introduced to me. I ate four pieces of whole wheat bread for my carbs. Then, I ate bananas to round out the fruit requirement at lunch and snack time.
Dinner: Fish with seaweed soup, tomatoes, a bit of cheese, lots of sliced pumpkin, and bamboo rice. There were small blocks of tofu in the seaweed soup. I hear tofu is seriously processed, but I don’t know for sure. Should I be eating it?
And finally, I have a cold. WAAAACHOOO! Sniff. Sorry. I’ve been burning the candle at both ends with the PCP, work, my novel, and this blog. I guess my body decided to tell me I need to slow down a bit. I will, but don’t worry team. My PCP will not suffer. WAAAACHOOO! Sniff. Sorry. I’ll just cut back on my novel writing a bit—save it for the train and the weekends. I have to take of myself. As Count Rugen said in The Princess Bride, “If you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything.”
Love to all!
More tomorrow,
Hmmm, I guess this day went pretty well then, and it went well again once more. But, to a healthier stronger Sean, this workout was about as difficult as a walk in the park. Oh, and the cold I mentioned on Day 9 turned out to not be a cold at all. It was just an allergy attack.
So, tonight to celebrate my last day on the PCP, I joined Patrick, his fiance Kasue, and former PCPer Kazuhiro for my end of PCP party. We went to Beer Gardens atop the Star Hotel in Yokohama and were treated to a lovely view as we threw caution in the wind and ate an assortment of the unhealthy. We also went to another restaurant for pizza and eneded with dessert at Starbucks. However, the special food event for the night was:
Patrick asked me to buy my usual jumbo bag for this evening, and I have to confess when I bought them on day 89, I felt a little bit dirty. I had not touched these chips in three months and now they represented everything I used to be. Before the PCP, I used to be able to polish off a bag of these in about ten minutes. What would happen to me on Day 90 when I ate them?
We popped the bag open alongside the rest of the food we ordered at Beer Garden and...
They were salty as hell and tasted like greasy nacho cheese soap. I ate about three.
However, when we left the restaurant, I took the still loaded bag with me thinking I might have more later. Doritos was an old friend. I couldn't just abandon them and the money I spent. But, as the night went on and I consumed pizza and a Starbucks Short Vanilla Frappuccino, I started to get a little woozy. At the end of this feast, a feast I would have thoroughly enjoyed prior to the PCP, I felt so ill that I looked at the bag of Doritoes in a plastic bag on my wrist and did something I have never ever done in my entire life. I threw a full bag of Doritoes in the train station garbage. I'm still having trouble believeing it myself, but there it is.
So, here I am at the top of the PCP mountain. Am I in peak condition? No. but I'm in far, far, far better health at 35 than I was at 30, and I now have the knowledge to keep improving my health for the rest of my life. I've lost a ton of weight, and I am no longer embarassed to look at myself in a mirror. I've got my life back in more ways than one, and it's wonderful. Fat Sean is forever dead and healthy Sean will live as long as God will let him. That's a promise.
The PCP is finished, but this blog won't be for a day or two yet. There is an Epilogue still to come and the matter of some pictures to wrap everything up. I hope you'll stay with me to the end.
I did it! I blogged every single day on the PCP. Way past cool.
More tomorrow,
I got through it. There were some reduced reps in the last few sets, but otherwise everything went well. Even my J-ropes were great. But, boy, am I tired. Mentally, I'm wide okay, but--on top of the drain from yesterday's workout, my body feels like it's been in a wash machine. There was one more small victory today too. With help from something Patrick said yesterday, I think I've finally figured out how to deal with some of the pain that comes with working out, the pain that tries to get you to quit and makes you think you can't do one rep more. Don't take your mind off it. Dive right into it. Pain wants you to avoid it, that's how it wins. But, if you dive into it, take it head on, use it, you can get that little bit more out of your exercise before failure. I still have a long way to go before I perfect this technique, but I hope I'm on the right track.
More tomorrow--my last day on the PCP.
Today marked the first day of Super sets. A Super set is where you alternate between two different exercises from set to set instead than completing all the sets in one exercise and going on to the other. And, I must say, I loved them. Oh, they were hell to complete, but they made my workout go so quickly compared to other days in the past. The Supersets kept me from extended rests and I really liked that. Also, the Supersets gave me more time to spend on the V-sits and Plank which called for failure instead of a set number this time out.
J-ropes were good today. There was still a little bit of trouble from the ol' left leg, but things are definitely getting better. I hope this improvement continues.
No big revalations or anything to report today. I'm just happy to be healthy and alive. And, sometimes that's all you need.
More tomorrow,
"Care to join your old self for dinner tonight, Sean?"
Got to get that train!
Now, prior to the PCP, running to catch my train in this situation would have left me gasping for air, sweating like a pig, and, more often than not, still without a train. But, to my suprise, I moved like a bat out of hell. I guess that's what happens when you lose weight equal to a small child in killograms, and you workout everyday. And, when I got to the station, I was breathing a little quicker, but that was it. Patrick said we would sometimes discover our new strength unexpectedly. I guess this was one of those times.
More tomorrow,
One of the toughest exercises I've ever done.
Today's J-ropes were not very good, and the chest dips took a lot out of me, so my push-ups were mostly on my knees, but if there is one victory I'm extremely proud of today it is making it through all five of the 90 second planks today! I did it. I can't believe it. In the last plank set, my body was shaking like there was an earthquake going on inside me, but I held on and completed it. This is absolutely fantastic. I'm one happy planker.
However, now, I'm wondering why I'm having such a hard time putting muscle on my upper body--specifically my arms. Yes, I'm losing my gut and I'm so pleased with that--super pleased! But, now that I've been on the PCP for a while, I find myself looking beyond weight loss. I'm doing my exercises and eating more protien then ever before, but I feel I don't look any bigger arm and back muscle-wise. Is it my imaganation? Are the changes so gradual in my photo stream that I just don't see them? Is it genetic? My father was a star athelete, but never a "big" muscle-bound guy. Is it mental? I know I tend to give into weakness a bit more when it comes to exercises like the chest dips and push-ups. Hell, I still don't have the strength to do more than one or two pull-ups. I'm still doing inclined ones just to get some sense of acomplishment. Yeah, I know as I write this, I'm confusing back muscle performance with arm muscle performance, but one thing is for sure. When the PCP is over, I intend to continue working on my arms and back muscles until I see some kind of definitive change like I have with the rest of my body.
And to think, a few months ago, just writing a post like this would have tired me out. ;-)
More tomorrow,
Nutrition FactsServing Size 1 oz. (28g)
Amount Per Serving
Calories 140 Calories from Fat 70
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 8g 12%
Trans Fat 0g 0%
Saturated Fat 1.5g 7%
Cholesterol 0mg 0%
Sodium 180mg 7%
Total Carbohydrate 17g 6%
Dietary Fiber 1g 6%
Sugars 1g
Protein 2g
• Vitamin A 0%
• Vitamin C 0%
• Calcium 2%
• Iron 2%
Ingredients: Whole corn, vegetable oil (contains one or more of the following: corn, soybean, and/or sunflower oil), salt, cheddar cheese (cultured milk, salt, enzymes), maltodextrin, wheat flour, whey, monsodium glutamate, buttermilk solids, romano cheese from cow's milk (part-skim cow's milk, cheese cultures, salt, enzymes), whey protein concentrate, onion powder, partially hydrogenated soybean and cottonseed oil, corn flour, disodium phosphate, lactose, natural and artificial flavor, dextrose, tomato powder, spices, lactic acid, artificial color (including yellow 6, yellow 5, red 40), citric acid, sugar, garlic powder, red and green bell peppe powder, sodium casinate, disodium inosinate, disodium guanylate, nonfat milk solids, whey protein isolate, and corn syrup solids. Also Contains milk and wheat ingredients.
Next, some chilled avacado soup! Man, I love avacadoes.
HA! That's it. I'm done.
More tomorrow,
Anyone want a piece of Pisa?
Now, I'm going to spend some time with my son.
Look for more tomorrow,
Star Power Activated!
I particularly enjoyed the elevated push-ups today, not because I was able to complete a full set of them, but rather they made the regular knees- off-the-ground push-ups seem easier. So, I did as many of the elevated and standard push-ups I could until my muscles failed. And, just as I was about to collapse from my last set, the song below from my PCP soundtrack popped up in my I-pod shuffle sequence and gave me the boost I needed to do a couple more. I didn't finish all the reps, but I'll take what I can get. The song is the intro song from Sega Saturn's Megaman 8. I really like it. Enjoy
Of course, the last exercise of the day was the 90 second plank. So, to help me get through them, I...well...sang. Another song from my PCP soundtrack, Extreme Ways by Moby (from the Bourne Identity Soundtrack) popped up and I sang along to keep my mind off the muscle pain. It worked pretty well. And, no, there was no one else in the park as I did my little sing along. If there was, I probably wouldn't have done it. Then again, maybe I would. Perhaps singing would keep the dog walkers that pass through the park from trying to talk to me in the middle of my workout and make me lose count. Heh.
All in all, a good rockin' workout on the PCP!
More tomorrow,
Look! My pants don't fit me anymore!
The PCP: fitness and education to help maintain that fitness, with more yet to come. Best money I ever spent.
More tomorrow!