Hey all,
Remember Me? Just kidding. Of course you do. Well, here I am. It's been one year and some since I completed the PCP. Guess what, things are great!
Do I still exercise?
Yes I do. I completed Patrick's new program the Kung Fu Body this year--although I'm ashamed to say with no where near the gusto I had for the PCP. Why did I join this new program, you ask? Because, in February of this year I fell off the exercise wagon. I was so tired after a workout in January that my body and mind just said no--for almost two months. I joined the Kung Fu Body to get back in the rhythm and now I'm doing just fine. I don't exercise everyday, nor do I push myself as hard, but I keep it up just enough to maintain my weight and health. I don't need to be Superman--I just need to be a healthy me. Oh, and I still love my jump rope. It's seen me through two programs now, and I'll keep it until it breaks.
Am I still mindful of what I eat?
Yes--every frickin' day. Do I eat junk food? Yes. Do I eat things that are not good for me? Yes. However, I do this with nowhere near the frequency I used to. And, I'm mindful. Everytime I pick up something that's food or is masquerading as food, my PCP trained brain immediately tells me what it is (carb, protien, veg, fat, fruit, or junk)--and what it is going to do to me if I eat it. My PCP mind wins out over my cravings--which I still have--85% of the time. And, I still haven't eaten a bag of doritoes.
Am I still on the diet?
As goes the advice, At breakfast, I eat like a prince; At lunch, I eat like a king. At dinner, I eat like a pauper. My family still subscribes to the three meals a day thing, but I set it up so last night's dinner is saved for me and becomes today's breakfast. I eat a big lunch with a super salad and whatever I want in terms of carbs--usually a sandwhich, but sometimes pasta or something like it. And, for dinner zero carbs--no rice or bread, but as much vegetbles as I want and some protien. Also, I still drink my low fat milk almost every day. Of course, I don't follow this 100%. I let my guard down almost completely on weekends, when someone buys a special dessert, or when I go out for dinner, but during the work week I'm pretty solid. I still snack when I can in my PCP snack times, and these snack vary between the healthy and unhealthy.
Have I been sick since the PCP? Am I back on any medication?
No and No! Wait, I think I might have had a small cold at some point, but otherwise I'm fit as a fiddle. No medication. No trouble breathing. No horrible cough. And, I still have tons more energy than I used to. When my family is ready for bed, I've still got energy to spare. Heh. I do take the odd antihistamine when someone decides to burn leaves in my neighborhood or the pollen gets wild, but these occassions are rare. And I try other solutions first, like my Neti pot.
Do I still see Patrick?
You bet. We are good buddies indeed. I think we spend more time playing Super Street Fighter IV against each other than working out together now, but the life lessons he has given me will stay with me for life. It's beacuse of the new man Patrick helped me become that lets me enjoy our games together and everything else I do in my life so much more.
And finally, what's my weight?
Yeah, I know it's just a number but...
I was 98.5 kg when I started the program. I was 83.2 kg when it ended.
I'm 79.0 kg now--a year later. And, my life is mine!
Photos one year later!
Remember Me? Just kidding. Of course you do. Well, here I am. It's been one year and some since I completed the PCP. Guess what, things are great!
Do I still exercise?
Yes I do. I completed Patrick's new program the Kung Fu Body this year--although I'm ashamed to say with no where near the gusto I had for the PCP. Why did I join this new program, you ask? Because, in February of this year I fell off the exercise wagon. I was so tired after a workout in January that my body and mind just said no--for almost two months. I joined the Kung Fu Body to get back in the rhythm and now I'm doing just fine. I don't exercise everyday, nor do I push myself as hard, but I keep it up just enough to maintain my weight and health. I don't need to be Superman--I just need to be a healthy me. Oh, and I still love my jump rope. It's seen me through two programs now, and I'll keep it until it breaks.
Am I still mindful of what I eat?
Yes--every frickin' day. Do I eat junk food? Yes. Do I eat things that are not good for me? Yes. However, I do this with nowhere near the frequency I used to. And, I'm mindful. Everytime I pick up something that's food or is masquerading as food, my PCP trained brain immediately tells me what it is (carb, protien, veg, fat, fruit, or junk)--and what it is going to do to me if I eat it. My PCP mind wins out over my cravings--which I still have--85% of the time. And, I still haven't eaten a bag of doritoes.
Am I still on the diet?
As goes the advice, At breakfast, I eat like a prince; At lunch, I eat like a king. At dinner, I eat like a pauper. My family still subscribes to the three meals a day thing, but I set it up so last night's dinner is saved for me and becomes today's breakfast. I eat a big lunch with a super salad and whatever I want in terms of carbs--usually a sandwhich, but sometimes pasta or something like it. And, for dinner zero carbs--no rice or bread, but as much vegetbles as I want and some protien. Also, I still drink my low fat milk almost every day. Of course, I don't follow this 100%. I let my guard down almost completely on weekends, when someone buys a special dessert, or when I go out for dinner, but during the work week I'm pretty solid. I still snack when I can in my PCP snack times, and these snack vary between the healthy and unhealthy.
Have I been sick since the PCP? Am I back on any medication?
No and No! Wait, I think I might have had a small cold at some point, but otherwise I'm fit as a fiddle. No medication. No trouble breathing. No horrible cough. And, I still have tons more energy than I used to. When my family is ready for bed, I've still got energy to spare. Heh. I do take the odd antihistamine when someone decides to burn leaves in my neighborhood or the pollen gets wild, but these occassions are rare. And I try other solutions first, like my Neti pot.
Do I still see Patrick?
You bet. We are good buddies indeed. I think we spend more time playing Super Street Fighter IV against each other than working out together now, but the life lessons he has given me will stay with me for life. It's beacuse of the new man Patrick helped me become that lets me enjoy our games together and everything else I do in my life so much more.
And finally, what's my weight?
Yeah, I know it's just a number but...
I was 98.5 kg when I started the program. I was 83.2 kg when it ended.
I'm 79.0 kg now--a year later. And, my life is mine!
Photos one year later!

And now, of course this blog entry would not be complete without a little something special in the world of Street Fighter:
Part 1:
If you need any more proof the PCP works after reading this blog, then you're not ready to change. If you are get a message to Patrick, get your J-rope, and get with it.